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Faculty of Medicine, undergraduate lecture
Understanding Male Infertility

Feberuary 2015

In this power point presentation we simplify the dilemma of male infertility, mentioned its causes and categorization. Also we discussed the algorithm used to reach the diagnosis and treatment options for each case.

فى هذه المحاضرة نبسط مشكلة عقم الرجال ونذكر اسبابها وتصنيف عقم الرجال ونناقش طرق التشخيص والعلاج 

Faculty of Medicine, undergraduate lecture

Feberuary 2015

In this power point presentation we discussed varcicoele and its relation to male infertility. We discussed the treatment options for varicocele and reached the conclusion that microsurgcical varicoclectomy is considered the best of them.

فى هذه المحاضرة ناقشنا دوالى الخصية وعلاقتها بعقم الرجال وناقشنا الطرق المختلفة لعلاج دوالى الخصية وتوصلنا الى أن الجراحة الميكروسكوبية هى أفضل الطرق لعلاج دوالى الخصية

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